Add Value to Your Course! 

Add Value to your Course & Keep your Audience Engaged!

You want to know how you can keep your audience engaged so that you can grow? Here are some tips to take with you as you build your own course!

This training is for you if…
  • You are dreaming of becoming a course creator but you are also kind of terrified of getting out there because you are not confident or fear has taken over & you kind of get no where.

  • You want to understand the importance of lead generation & why everyone says YOU NEED AN EMAIL LIST!

  • You want help with how to come up with lead magnets.

  • You have a course but feel like you are not getting anywhere.

Build an online course even if your audience is small!

want to make passive income and sell your online course while you dream? ✨✨

Knowing how to build out your course & taking the right steps can do this for you!

Create your own course ~

Build an Empire!

If you change nothing,

then Nothing changes.
I am so happy to meet you!

So, you are here, which tells me you might be interested in course creation!

that is exciting!

I started INSPIRE PURPOSE so that I could empower learners to create their own course from scratch, provide them with the tools they need to market it, and promote it successfully.

I created Passion to Profit: From Idea to Launch and Passion Course Startup Kit so that I could share what I know with a video step-by-step course, tons of workbooks and templates! From brainstorming course topics, determining your target audience, to crafting compelling email campaigns!


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