How to create a Course that Empowers & Inspires your Audience

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.




Hey guys, do you want some tips on creating a course that empowers and inspires your students to take action? Perfect, then I'm going to give you some of those best tips that I know of that can help you succeed and successfully inspire others to hopefully buy your course & inspire others to purchase your course.

So, the first one is something that I talk about, especially in both my Passion Course Startup Kit and my Passion to Profit program. It's about making your learning objectives. It's so important. It not only does it help you, it helps helps the student. So when you create learning objectives, you are creating a plan. You're letting the student or the audience know this is what they are going to learn by the end of this course, at the end of this workshop, at the end of this challenge, whatever you're creating.

You have to have learning objectives. When you're getting ready and you're putting your thing together and you've got a topic, make sure that you are researching what your target audience is needing. What are their pain points? What are their struggles? What are they interested in? What is going on with their life? Where are they hanging out?

Then you can build learning objectives and create a course that ultimately gives them a solution to those pain points. Think about something that's in demand, something that would make a big impact as well. Make sure, whether that's 1, whether that's 3, whether that's 5, make sure you're writing down your learning objectives so that when they go in to read what it is that they're learning.

If you can create great learning objectives, that's what you need to promote. You need to talk about those learning objectives and promote your course that way.

You need to talk about the benefits, which should be the solution, the end result, the goal that they're trying to achieve or reach. Make sure that you're promoting those learning objectives and giving it as much value as you possibly can.

Another one is using a variety of teaching methods. It's important to understand that people learn differently. If you only have one way of doing things, you need to incorporate a lot more because everybody is searching for something different. If you have a variety of teaching methods, you're able to interest multiple people in your field. And gain more interest in your course. Whether that's audio recordings, whether that's video recordings, whether that's written material in a workshop, whatever it is, make sure you have multiple or various options they can choose from.

You don't have to put every single method in one course. Not what I'm saying, but if you give them a couple of options, 1. it's valuable & 2. it helps you stand out in the crowd.

So a 3rd one would be to give real world examples. People love to know what other people have done, what other people have experienced, including mistakes, how they got out of those mistakes, how they built from those mistakes, how they built off of failure, and how they've succeeded.

People love to learn about other people's business. So if you're able to provide them with real world experiences and real world testimonials, this is always good. Anytime that you can give real world examples and illustrate your points to your audience, it can become clearer to them what you offer, it can help them stay engaged, and it helps them stay motivated throughout the course. It really does.

And finally, make sure you have a call to action. Make sure you encourage them with a call to action. This is also known as CTA. That is where you're telling or encouraging them… “Hey! Check this out!” “Hey, grab this free thing!” “Hey, watch this video!” You're telling them, you're pushing them to do something pretty much.

You're providing them with tools and tips and resources that ultimately they can implement in their own personal or professional life today. And you're encouraging them to take action. Very important, because if I don't see anything, then… You know what, take YouTube for example, everybody puts subscribe or like, or whatever on their screen. That is a call to action. And that's because they're trying to encourage you to go ahead and like, go ahead and subscribe. People forget as they're watching videos or as they're doing something and they forget to take action, so it's important. Or not even if they forget, if you don't have an option for someone to take action and you're not encouraging them to, why would they? By providing value and the tools and the resources to help them in some sort of way, then just make sure that you're putting that CTA on there.

Have that on a landing page, on YouTube, or whatever, make sure that you have CTA because it helps you and it helps them because they're getting what they wanted.

All right. So I hope that helped. I hope that was valuable.

I hope you can implement it in your own course today or whatever it is that you're creating, um, in that online digital world. If so hit the like button or subscribe, and I can't wait to see you on the next video.

Until next time, STAY INSPIRED!

Thank you for watching!

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions! Follow me on Instagram, @inspiredmarketing.








Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall creator of Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that give your how-to videos, courses, tips, tricks, & updates. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life of your dreams and quit the 9-5!

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