7 Ways to Build an Audience as a Course Creator

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.




Building an audience is crucial to your success. As a course creator, you need to be able to build your audience. So I thought, I'm going to give you seven different ways to build your audience as a course creator that are vital to your success. If you're not growing, if you're not building your email list, that might be because you're not doing one of these seven things.

So, let's jump in.

Defining your Target Audience

The first thing is defining your target audience. And I can't say this enough. It's important to know their needs. It's important to know their preferences and their interest and what their buying habits are. It's important to know their behavior so that you can create content around that and put it in front of them, putting the right message in front of them.

This is one of your most important things. Next to creating your learning objectives so, if you're not doing this, if you don't know who your target audience is, then you need to figure that out. Start by creating your ideal customer. And if you don't know how to do that, let me help you. I will put a link in the bottom that links you to a workbook, a free workbook, to create your ideal customer.

There's questions that you need to ask to find out who that might be. It's a copy and paste that you can just insert your own information for your target audience or your ideal customer and that is who you sell to.

Leveraging Social Media

The next thing is leveraging social media. You can do a lot of things without social media, but growing your audience and building a business in general is not one of them. So, making sure that you are consistently advertising your product or your service on social media platforms or some type of search engine like Pinterest.

Is essential! Let me tell you, when I first started my business I didn't have social media. I know. Stupid. But it's true. I didn't. And so I had to start from the very bottom. I had to work my way up and honestly, I'm still working on it. My traffic comes from Pinterest, which is great.

I can still sell, but at the end of the day, social media is where everybody is at. And because I didn't bother to, I didn't want social media, I found out the hard way that you can't grow a business. You can't continue growth without social media.

Okay. So, making sure that you are advertising, that you're posting consistently, that you are promoting or giving away free stuff, or just talking about your day to day life on social media is essential and it helps people get to know you. It helps people trust you. It helps people like you.

And we know that for your audience or a potential customer to buy, they have to like, know, and trust you. That is essential. So, by doing this, by posting on social media and talking about you and your life and what you can bring to them, results that you can bring, the solution that you can bring to your target audience, is essential and key to building a wider audience and building your email list as a course creator.

Creating Valuable Content

The next is creating valuable content. This is really important. If you're just creating content just to create content and it's not bringing value, it's not bringing a solution.

You're not going to get anywhere. Yes. You're going to have people that buy, but you're not going to have loyal subscribers. You're not going to have loyal customers because they want value. The whole reason they're searching for something, or watching something, or buying from you ss to get value… is to ultimately reach a goal. They have a goal in mind. And if you are promoting that you have the result or the solution, then you need to bring that to them. So create valuable content, whether it's blogs or videos. Be an authority in your industry, make sure that you are standing out with that valuable content in your industry! If you have valuable content, if you're providing that for them, then you become the authority in your industry, and you make a name for yourself.

So think about, who do you want to be known for? What do you want to be known for? And create content that people will absolutely want and share, and most importantly, just be able to get to the end result.

By doing that, you're solving something for them. You're getting them the goal that they are looking for. And that's important.

Offering an Incentive

Another great way to build your audience is offering a freebie, an incentive, something that they can grab that is of value. For free or very low low cost. Okay, something that they can take with them in exchange for an email list is a great way.

So, create a lead magnet, create your opt-in, create something that is relevant to your course or your product or whatever it is that you do and give it to them for free! Make sure that they understand that this is going to solve a problem.

What problem is that?

Well, you've researched and you found that your target audience is looking to solve this problem. So, you've created a lead magnet around that, but you're hinting towards your course, that really provides all of the things they need to get to their best result or the end result or their goal.

But by providing this freebie, not only does it give them value, not only does it add to your email list, but you're starting to create a relationship. It starts to build the like, know, and trust.

Hosting a Webinar or Live Event

Another great one to bring in that traffic or that audience is hosting a webinar in your industry or live event.

You have them register.. They put in their email address to register and you can talk about valuable things that they want to know and that solves some kind of problem, and where they reach a goal at the end of that webinar.

That's a great way to engage with potential customers or potential students in your niche. And ultimately you can grow.

Collaborate with Other Course Creators

So, next is collaborate with other course creators and partner with them if you can. If you're wanting a wider audience and you do have a course creator that you actually watched and you really enjoyed, if you can partner with them see if you can cross promote with them, where they talk about your course and you talk about their course, you can gain a huge audience by doing. Some of them even have affiliates, where you can make money when people buy their course. You can join webinars with them or join maybe a group where you're both hosting and creating valuable content.

People get to see what you're about and what you bring to the table. This is a great way to engage with potential customers, but also grow your audience.

Setting up a Pre-Recorded Workshop

And the last one is one of my favorites. It's setting up a pre recorded workshop. By doing this, you can have it on your platform, running in the background at all times, and people register to watch your workshop.

Now, you obviously are going to promote this workshop and let everybody know. And you can have it in an email series. You can even have it where every Monday your audience get a new daily workshop, or whatever day you choose, with their wine!

This is another great way to grow your audience because people do love workshops and it's great because you can get your information out there.

You can really show them what you have to offer, the benefits, & the value, while at the same time growing your audience. And when I say that it can run in the background at all times, you set it up where they have to enter their email address, and then as soon as they start watching that video, there's a timer specifically for that email. Whether 3 days, 5 or 10, you offer them a huge discount that you provide them at the end of that workshop, and the timer does end and so does the discount. It has to be a limited time - urgency is key.

That's just another great way to not only grow a wider audience, but also promote your course or a service/product, so it's a win win.

These are just seven ways that you can grow an audience, engage with your audience, & build that email list that you really, really need!

If you want more, subscribe here: @stayinspiredwithrachel

Until next time, STAY INSPIRED!

Thank you for watching!

Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions! Follow me on Instagram, @inspiredmarketing.








Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall

Inspire Purpose - a business devoted to helping entrepreneurs in transforming their PASSION into Successful Businesses. Through COURSE CREATION & WEB DESIGN, I help you save time & money while scaling your business.

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