Woohoo, we are on Day 6 and we are jumping  right into Building your course!

The information provided is from my own experience and may not work for everyone. I am not a professional nor claim to be. Please read my disclaimer for more information.


Creating your own course can be a game changer for your personal and professional life. It allows you to share your passion with others, establish yourself as an expert in your field, and generate income, so I am so happy that I get to share this with you!


Okay, so now that you have your topic, we need to develop a detailed outline of your course that includes:



Learning objectives,

The main topics,



Call to action


This will help you stay organized and focused as you create your content.

Let’s take a look at what that might look like…

It is critical that you go by an outline so that you can have structure in putting your course together! As the above picture shows, this includes:

  • Introduction

    • Course overview

    • Learning objectives

  • Planning Your Course

    • Identifying your target audience

    • Determining the learning objectives for your course

    • Creating a course outline and syllabus

  •  Creating Your Course Content

    • Developing engaging and effective course materials

    • Incorporating multimedia elements to enhance learning

    • Strategies for creating interactive and participatory learning experiences

  • Delivering Your Course

    • Choosing the right platform to deliver your course

    • Best practices for structuring your course content

    • Strategies for promoting your course to potential learners

  • Evaluating and Improving Your Course

    • Strategies for gathering feedback from learners

    • Analyzing course metrics to identify areas for improvement

    • Iterating on your course to make it even better

  • Conclusion

    • Recap of the course creation process

    • Encouragement to start creating your own course

    • Final thoughts and next steps

    • Call to action

Once you have your outline and have reviewed it, start putting your content whichever tool you desire.

The great thing is there are a variety of content types including videos, written materials, interactive exercises, and quizzes. You can use tools such as PowerPoint, Google Slides, or Adobe Creative Suite to create presentations, videos, and other materials for your course.!

Follow that outline and ensure that your content is engaging, informative, and easy to follow.

NEXT, choose the tool to create your course! Make it come alive!


This to me is exciting because this is what I love to do - design! But don't worry, you do not have to be an expert to choose a platform or to find a place to host your course.


I use Squarespace due to the fact that they have a ton of options and they are so easy to see with their drag and drop format but there are quite a few options.


Here are some below!

Course creation software: Tools like Teachable, Thinkific, and Kajabi are specifically designed to help you create and sell courses online.

  • They offer a range of features including course creation, hosting, payment processing, and student management.

Presentation software: Presentation tools like PowerPoint or Google Slides can also be used to create courses with text and images.

  • This is what I choose to use , but you can integrate multimedia elements like videos and audio recordings into your presentations and export them as PDFs or other formats.

Website builders: If you want more control over the design of your course, you can use a website builder like Squarespace or Wix to create a custom course website.

  • These platforms offer drag-and-drop interfaces, customizable templates, and integrations with other tools like email marketing platforms and payment processors.

Any of these will do! I am actually using PowerPoint to build out my course and Squarespace to host it, but you can choose what is best for you.

Getting ready to launch your course!

 Once your course material is complete, it's time to launch it! In tomorrows email in our 7-day series, we go over hosting your course and your options - promoting your course through social media, email campaigns, and other marketing channels to attract potential students so make sure you open that email!

Overall, creating an online course can be a rewarding experience that allows you to share your knowledge and help others achieve their goals.


Collect feedback from your students to improve your course. When you use this feedback, you can:

  • Make updates and revisions to your content,

  • Add to your platform with advice or requests from your clients,

  • Add to your marketing strategies,

  • Put great testimonials on your website,

  • And get an overall idea of what your audience is looking for!

Check out our newest course, COURSE CREATION MASTERY to even more! Everything you need to create & and launch your course! create, market, email, launch, bonuses, giveaways…


See you tomorrow for the last day of our series - Where to present your course & how to market it.





Meet the Founder

Hey! I’m Rachel Hall and I created Inspire Purpose - a website devoted to helping others start their online business by providing course creation & web design services that get you to the next level. We created a method that allows you to start a business and/or earn passive income so that you can live a life amd not work for aomeone else! And although, I cannot guarantee anyone’s success, the opportunities are endless online.

Our mission is to provide you with the tools and resources needed to develop your course and achieve success, such as our COURSE CREATION MASTERY and our Web Design services! We strive to make our courses engaging, inspiring and full of helpful insights that you can apply to your own venture. I'm so excited to help you discover the power & brilliance you hold!

If you want to learn more about me and my journey, click Read More below. If you want to start your own journey, check out our services to find out how!

Read More


Welcome to Day 7, where I cover Where to present your course & how to market it!


Welcome to Day 5 Lesson - Identifying your Target Audience!